Mental Health Monday: Why Do You Feel Alone? [VIDEO]


For some people, it’s really hard to talk openly about their mental health struggles. I totally get it. In a world where we only try to show our best sides, revealing your cracks and imperfections can seem pretty scary. It’s so important to know that nobody is perfect. People these days so badly, even desperately want you to think their lives are picturesque. All this does is make it harder to accept this things about all of us that aren’t perfect.

I am working on a podcast called “Noblest Motive.” Our next episode that releases tomorrow talks about mental health. I tell some of my story, we hear from experts in different aspects in the mental health arena. I would love it if you gave it a listen, but also shared it. The more people hear others opening up is paramount to feeling like they can talk too.

Below is a link to the show page on SPOTIFY. Again, the episode checks talking on Mental Health releases tomorrow, (Tuesday October 3rd.)

If you ever feel alone, or if you ever need to talk, please reach out to me personally. My email is I am always available to talk about anything you might be going through. You are NOT alone.

Enjoy this weeks feel good fun times video:



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