Positive Affirmations: The Holidays


Well, I’m taking a cue from Stuart Smalley here and going to try to send some good energy out there during a time that can be very dramatic in our lives. Sometimes dark and dreary.

When we are kids, the holidays are a time of excitement and anticipation for what really boils down to getting presents. Our world is much simpler when we are young. For the most part, nothing bad has happened to us yet. Then as we get older, life starts to throw us unexpected curve balls, which can sometimes knock us off path.  Long story short, we get jaded.

Not for everyone, but Holidays as an adult don’t carry the same joy and mystery they once did. Their magic seems to fade a bit as the years go by. This can make for a dark time in some peoples lives. If you are alone, if you connect trauma to the holidays, what ever it might be, it can be easy to feel lost when you look around and see everyone else seemingly experiencing joy and holiday cheer.

During this time of year, that can be so difficult for some, remember that this is temporary. I am a true believer that time heals, and although things may seem very dark, there will be light. If you feel alone this holiday season, reach out to who you can to talk about it. Life can seem tough to get through from time to time, but tis ALWAYS worth living.

Happy Holidays,


The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a United States-based suicide prevention network of over 200+ crisis centers that provides 24/7 service via a toll-free hotline with the number 9-8-8. It is available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

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