Happy Video Games Day: They Don’t Turn Your Brain To Mush [VIDEO]


Remember when you were a kid and your parents would say that too many video games could turn your brain to mush? Well I hate to be the one to tell you…. THEY LIED!!!!!

Yes, your dear parents lied to you. Just like there is NO clean plate club, food does NOT stick to your bones and masturbating does NOT make you go blind. Its true, they were probably looking out for our best interests, but what a horrifying idea it is for you brain to turn…. TO MUSH.

Well, I have good news. A recent study says that playing video games can lead to increased decision–making skills and improvement in brain activities. You see, video game playing requires the ability to make quick decisions and pay attention to details while playing.

In the study, there were 47 participants. In brain regions associated with “sensorimotor and cognitive processing”, there were differences in activation between video game players and no video game players. The game players showed a much higher level of signal change.

So play those games, exercise the mind, and don’t worry…. it won’t  turn your brain to mush!


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