Rocki Sits With Kristina Barbee Of Ad Astra Wine Bar + Market


I believe opening a business is one of the hardest things you can do. That’s why I think Kristina Barbee is definitely a “BOSS” who is about to give Springfield something we are not used to and need.

I had the opportunity to sit with Kristina on my show and discuss her venture, Ad Astra. This is a Wine bar and Market that will be opening downtown Springfield, at 308 E. Adams St. Everything about this venue seems to scream fun, fresh and new.

If you are into wine at all, this Bar/Market will be a place where you can go, relax and enjoy wine, while continuing to learn about it. Despite what people might think, wine making is a complex process. Now although Ad Astra will not be producing its own wine…. at least off the bat, Kristina has taken a very careful approach to the curation of what will be offered there.

My favorite part about what I learned with this new business we will have in Springfield is the name. Ad Astra is Latin for “to the stars.” In this context it means getting there while overcoming obstacles. This is something that won’t have been necessarily a smooth ride for Kristina, but when it finally opens soon, it will pay off for all of us in the end!

I encourage you to get to the website here. It will give you a great feel for the ambience and feel of the Bar. Also, please listen to my interview with Kristina in full below:


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