Sangamon County Issues 2021 Crime Statistics


Newly-released crime figures for Sangamon County show an uptick in some categories of crime in 2021… but in most cases, there were fewer reported crimes in those categories last year than in at least one of the previous three years.


The county saw an increase in homicides, with three last year. But rape, aggravated assault, and burglary were at four-year lows. Criminal arrests were also down sharply last year… with only 7 arrests for assault and battery last year, compared to an average of 81 over the previous three years. Drug arrests were also down last year, except for a slight increase in methamphetamine cases. Sheriff Jack Campbell says the decline in arrests was partly the result of COVID, but also says it’s partly because of quirks in the county’s crime reporting system.


The county is moving to a new system and plans to issue revised numbers this spring.

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