Thirsty Thursday: Beers, Community Served Up At Slauterhouse Brewing Company [VIDEO]


I love beer, and I’m pretty sure it loves me. One of the first things I noticed when my wife and I came to town is the fact that this area has some amazing beer — and I’ve lived in a place or two. Now, one thing I hate is when people say, “if you’ve been to one brewery, you’ve been to all of them.” Not true.

One of the beautiful things about breweries, they dive deep into their history. At least if they are worth their weight in hops. That’s why we are going to show what the best breweries are doing, where they came from and what they believe in.

Our first visit takes us to Slauterhouse Brewing Company — located in the little town of Auburn, Illinois — an easy 20-minute drive down I-55 from Springfield. What a great place. You can tell that they have a mission and a lot to offer the people from all of Central Illinois.

Special thanks to Alex DeVaney, Operations Manager and Derek Lees, Founder of Slauterhouse for the hospitality and brews.

Where should I hit up next?! Tell Us Some More About Your Beer Preferences!

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