Mental Health Mondays With Rocki [VIDEO]


This too shall pass. That’s a hard pill to swallow when nothing seems to be going right, but I will say, in my experience, it is true. Another good saying is, “Time heals all.”

When I first started getting panic attacks, I was a sophomore in college. I thought I was having a heart attack. I thankfully come from a family where people suffer from anxiety to my mom was quick to realize what exactly I was experiencing. Once the panic valve opened, if never shut off.

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Things that used to be enjoyable now seemed impossible – like dinner with my friends, a haircut or even sitting down and just talking with family. Everything seemed scary. There were times over the years I thought my life as I knew it was over. I was mad. Mad because I felt like I had been given this gift of charisma and now felt like it had been snatched away from me.

Years passed. I learned how to deal with it. I learned because I had anxiety, didn’t mean I was broken. I was getting hip to the idea that people could still hire me, or want me in their lives in general even with anxiety.

Now, even though I still deal with it on a regular basis, I have over the years found my confidence in other meaningful ways. I have found purpose which for me is a big deal. So keep on searching, and if things feel stagnant or you start to get down, just remember…. This too shall pass.


Check out this weeks good time feel good video!

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